In the midst of the Cold War crisis, a group of scientists at the Vinca Institute is carrying out a secret project led by Professor Dragoljub Popovic. Due to unforeseen circumstances, they are exposed to a lethal dose of radiation, which is why Yugoslav secret police take then to the Curie Clinic in Paris for treatment. The French medical team led by Professor Georges Matteo concludes that their condition is critical and that their days are numbered. He proposes to carry out a delicate and uncertain intervention for the first time in history. Is it an experiment on living people or does he help really want to help them – becomes a nagging question for Yugoslav scientists.

U jeku hladnoratovske krize, grupa naučnika u Institutu Vinča sprovodi tajni projekat koji predvodi profesor Dragoslav Popović. Sticajem nepredviđenih okolnosti, oni bivaju izloženi smrtonosnoj dozi zračenja, zbog čega ih jugoslovenska tajna policija odvodi na lečenje u Kliniku Kiri u Parizu. Francuski doktorski tim na čelu sa profesorom Žoržom Mateom zaključuje da je njihovo stanje kritično i da su im dani odbrojani. On predlaže da se po prvi put u istoriji izvede delikatna i neizvesna intervencija. Da li je u pitanju eksperiment nad živim ljudima ili on zaista želi da im pomogne – postaje mučno pitanje za jugoslovenske naučnike.

Director: Dragan Bjelogrlic

Release: 04th August, 2023

Runtime: 120

Genre: Drama

Subtitles: Serbian and French with English subtitles.