Bauk – The Erl-King

The film "Bauk" follows the emotional story of eight-year-old boy Sava, who is portrayed by the young actor Jakša Prpić.

The action takes place in March 1999, when the boy's carefree life is disrupted by the beginning of the NATO bombing of Serbia. His fear is further intensified when he learns that both his parents are not with him, without any guarantees that they will be reunited again. This does not diminish his optimism and sincere faith in a better future: without war, hatred and fear.

U centru zbivanja je Sava (Jakša Prpić), dečak kojem se preko noći menja život, kada njegov Beograd posete NATO bombarderi, a on nije siguran koliko će to potrajati.

Njegov strah se dodatno pojačava kada saznaje da oba roditelja ne mogu biti sa njim, bez ikakvih garancija da će opet biti zajedno. To ne umanjuje njegov optimizam i iskrenu veru u neku bolju (i bližu) budućnost: bez rata, mržnje i straha.

Director: Goran Radovanović

Writer: Goran Radovanović

Cast: Jakša Prpić, Miloš Biković, Vojin Ćetković, Anđelija Filipović, Davor Janjić, Sara Klimoska, Kalina Kovačević, Danilo Nikitović, Branka Šelić

Release: 2024

Classification: MA+15

Runtime: 1 hour 37 minutes

Genre: Drama, War

Subtitles: Serbian with English subtitles.